About Us

Howdy! This is me.  My name is Kristi and I have been for over 20 years a stay at home mom and Navy wife.

And this is my military husband who helps me tremendously so I am able to devote time to making my small business grow.  In this photo he has just returned from a very long deployment.  In addition to being passionate about crochet, we also repurpose and rebuild furniture together.  We have a space inside an artisan boutique store locally.

These are our fabulous kids!

They are so amazing!  They light up my life and world and I couldn’t be a more proud mom.  As a stay home mom and military wife, we frequently uprooted and left everything we knew and planted our shallow roots somewhere else for a time.  Crafting and making things quickly became my retreat to peace and gave me something to do when the kids were in school or otherwise occupied.

I decided in 2014 – after being urged by some friends – to start an Etsy page to sell some of my things.  This is one of the best things I have ever done as a crocheter/crafter.  Just knowing that people all over our great country buy my handmade items as gifts -or for themselves and their children- and that the love I pour into my work is going to be loved by someone else fills my heart with so much joy!

In 2015, I also began selling my work in an artisan shop here where I live in Chesapeake, VA.  It delights my soul daily that people are inspired and happy when they visit my little corner of the world.

I began crocheting as a young child and was taught by my mom.  See this beautiful blanket she made for me when I was just a small girl?

Creating things and doing artsy stuff has always been a part of my life.  I can’t remember not being a “crafty” person.

I am inspired daily by images and things I see and also frequently have to write patterns for customers and clients.  I decided this year – 2018 – that for 2019 I was going to be a blogger!  I am always open to new, fun and exciting things so hang on and stay with me as I make this blog pop for 2019!

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