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April 2023 Pattern PlayHouse: Crochet Bundle Pack

Hello Crocheters and Readers!!

In case you missed my previous posts, the Pattern PlayHouse is happening this year!!

When I think of April, I think of being outside and enjoying the spring weather and getting my garden ready so I thought I would do something a bit different with this bundle and give you so many cute OUTSIDE THINGS!!  Most of these fun additions come from my Crochet Toys with Me Series. 

Here are the previous months if you want to run over and catch up.

January’s Pattern PlayHouse

February’s Pattern Playhouse

March’s Pattern Playhouse

It’s the fourth month of my new Bundle Adventure!!

I am working this year HARD on my blog.  I will be updating and creating ALL NEW things so stay tuned!!  I didn’t manage to get any new patterns included, but I do have many things in the works.

Follow along with me for more.  You can also find me on Instagram @theburgundybasket

On a side note, I am doing and have done free small tutorials

over on my Instagram so it’s worth popping over.

You can all of these patterns FREE right here on my blog, but each month this year I will be releasing one NEW BUNDLE PATTERN PACK with all of the patterns in one place!!  For the first month of the release the pack will be a special INTRODUCTORY RATE!!  See links below for the free blog versions.

The April BUNDLE PACK IS ONLY available in my Etsy Shop.


For April’s Pack this is what is included – it’s so fresh and fun!!

B is for Bee was part of my A-Z Crochet Toys with Me Series. 

In this bundle you get my Bird and Bird’s Nest with Eggs that I also created as part of my A-Z Crochet Toys with Me Series. 

This adorable frog is so fresh and fun and is the perfect baby rattle!

These guys are “I is for Inchworm” but you can also call them caterpillars.

And this “K is for Kite” is a great stash buster!! And you can make several and string them together for a fun banner!

L is for Ladybug is one of my most favorite patterns.  She is the sweetest and super easy to make.

L is also for Lizard and this guy really is in my top 5 of things I’ve ever made!! I actually have a plan to make a few more of these up with some of my Darn Good Yarn Silk yarn.

Little Piggy…need I say more about this cutie pie?

Who couldn’t use more rainbows?

And last, but not least is S is for Snake.

This is another pattern that I would love to make more of using some of my scrap yarns.


YOU GET ALL OF THAT IN MY APRIL PACK!!  It is 37 pages of good vibes!!

And many of my PDFs have been updated with additional information that is not on my blog.  Save this post if you want to see the updated photos of my new examples or go grab your pack today.


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Interested?  Hop over to my Etsy Shop and grab up a copy before the rate increases.

As always, thank you for choosing me and my patterns.  I know there are lots of choices out there.

Hugs and Kisses!!


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