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Crochet Scrap Yarn Patterns – “Just the Scraps, Ma’am”

Hi Readers and Crocheters!!

One of my primary goals at the start of 2021 was to clean out and use up all my stash! Not only yarn, but other projects as well.  I upcycle and recycle thrift store finds and refinish furniture when I am not crocheting, but my storage closets and garage were overflowing! So, I decided this year that I was eliminating the bulk of my stash.  That does include all my hoarded yarn!!

UPDATE 2022: If you also love scrap yarn projects, you may enjoy checking out these fun toys – all perfect for scrap yarns!


And all the Baby Animals are also located here on my blog.  You can find links to them and more info ON THIS BLOG POST.

On Pinterest, I have a board that I named “Just the Scraps, Ma’am” (from the expression “Just the Facts, Ma’am” from Joe Friday from Dragnet) that I save scrap yarn projects – and, as I started pulling out all my scrap yarn that I was going to work on, I decided to do an entire SCRAP YARN SERIES!!!  This is going to be the MAIN PAGE for that series.

As I add new patterns over the summer, I will link them all right here so save this post or the pin below and come back for more. 

You can even start today if you have a massive scrap pile of yarn.  Here is what I am starting with – but, this isn’t even close to all of my stash. 

Start by organizing and sorting your yarns – by color, by weight, by how much you have leftover etc.  Just sort them so you know what you are starting with. I decided to first sort mine by colors that I thought would look nice together.  I may change my mind as I work up projects for these, but for now I have my yarn sorted into color bundles. Most of my stash yarn is 4-ply worsted weight yarns like in the photo, but this series is going to be very user friendly if you have different weights of yarn – it all depends on how many strands you hold together at one time – because we are multi-stranding and getting our stashes cleaned out!  The way I figure it is this: If I eliminate my stash so that I have room, I can buy more 🙂

I tend to find large – very large – bags of yarn at estate sales and thrift stores and some is given to me by friends – so, my stash is constantly growing and changing.  I have yarns in my stash that I would never just go out and buy, but I have them and now it is time to use them up – weird yarns and thin yarns and furry yarns and sock yarns – it is all game on!!

Pin this pin and come back all summer!!

Join me for LOTS and LOTS of Scrap Yarn Projects now!!!  It is going to be a Scraptastic Summer!!!

I already have the first one complete!!

The first project is this super fun Scraptastic Messenger Bag.  It is a FREE pattern on my blog RIGHT HERE.  If you prefer to buy your patterns in the PDF form and support the makers, this pattern is available in my Etsy Shop and my Ravelry.

The second project is this extremely cute Scraptastic Pocketbook Purse.  It is a FREE pattern on my blog RIGHT HERE.  If you prefer to buy your patterns in the PDF form and support the makers, this pattern is available in my Etsy Shop and my Ravelry.

The 3rd project in my scrappy summer series is all finished and it makes me so happy to look at these guys!! The Scraptastic Jellyfish Lantern is so fun!!! Even after making 8 of them, I wasn’t one bit tired of making up this pattern.  This is a fun, quick pattern that is a great stash buster and pretty quick to make.  You can find it HERE FREE ON MY Blog or if you prefer to support the makers, you can get a PDF Paid copy HERE IN MY ETSY Shop.


My 4th project is so much fun that I just fell in LOVE!!!  Rodney the Fisher Bear is a big, squeezable bit of goodness!!!  You can find his pattern now HERE ON MY BLOG or if you prefer to support the makers, his 16-page PDF is HERE IN MY ETSY SHOP or HERE IN MY RAVELRY.

You can read more on the 5th Scraptastic Summer Series project now HERE ON MY BLOG or if you prefer to support the makers, the 8-page PDF is HERE IN MY ETSY SHOP


This 6th part of my Scraptastic Summer Series would be a great project for those Fall Craft Shows. These work up super-fast and they are so easy!!   Read more on my Grocery Bag Saver HERE ON MY BLOG or if you prefer to support the makers, the 8-page PDF is HERE IN MY ETSY SHOP or HERE IN MY RAVELRY.

This 7th addition of my Scraptastic Summer Series would be such a perfect gift!!  Read more on my Crochet Pet Bed HERE ON MY BLOG or if you prefer to support the makers, the 7-page PDF is HERE IN MY ETSY SHOP or HERE IN MY RAVELRY.

This 8th item in my series is a great stash buster!! It is super useful!! It is unlimited in colors and textures and fully size-able!!! It is also a great, quick item for craft shows this fall and winter.  It is a FREE Ravelry download as well.  You can FIND IT HERE ON MY BLOG Enjoy <3

Join me this summer!!! Keep checking back for more if you are ready to destash that stash!


XOXO, Kristi

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