Crochet Toys · Free Patterns

Crochet Play Food: Sandwich and Hamburger

My first pattern share!

If you prefer a PDF pattern to print out here is my ETSY link. 

My Etsy PDF contains the hamburger and ham sandwich. This PDF is 6 pages with color photos, tips, and instructions

First, a little note:  I just started this blog October, 2018 and won’t be doing a lot of pattern writing until 2019 -with orders to fill and the upcoming holidays, I am going to be off to a slow start, but I did want to play around here on my blog trying to figure out this new tool!  I have to say – it has not been so easy for me.  I have had much confusion and a little frustration, but I know that next year, I will be flying along and wonder what the heck all the confusion was from.

If you stay with me long enough – or have followed my Facebook page – you will know that making kids toys for pretend play and engaging children’s minds with imaginative play is one of my very favorite things to do!

My husband and I are a Navy family, and while young in age, and young in our marriage and military start, we had four kids in 6 years, and I chose to be a stay home mom for them.  I had much downtime and made so many of their clothes and blankets and pillows and toys -so, now that they are all older and have no such need for all that, I want to bring my love of making children happy to you!

Early this year, I finally got started on a big food project that I have been wanting to do – making crochet pretend play food – I did all the fruits and veggies and some other stuff with patterns from other designers – both paid and free, but I just couldn’t find exactly what I wanted for everything, so I wrote up a few patterns as I went.   This is what I came up with for my sandwich “kit.”

So, make up this fun little pretend toy for your special little toddler and watch their delight! It is not only educational, but a good way to teach young children about food and putting things together.

If you enjoy this pattern, you might also like to crochet THIS PATTERN for Breakfast Food.

So, let us get started.

This pattern is intended for personal use only.  You may sell products made from this pattern, but please give me credit as the designer.  Please do not use my photos as your own work. 

If you find any problems with this pattern, please let me know and if you have any problems with any of it feel free to message me and ask for support.

  • Materials:
  • -Hook: I and J
  • -various assorted scraps are all that is needed for this project.  I have used scrap yarns in colors suitable to the food type.

Gauge: gauge really isn’t super important for this project.  You don’t want to have a sandwich the size of a pillow – well, most might not – but, if you use a worsted weight #4 yarn and the hooks above it will be fine.  If you want to have a smaller more realistic size just go down a hook size or two.

  •  Stitches Used:
  • Chain: Ch
  • Single Crochet: sc
  • Half-double Crochet: hdc
  • Double Crochet: dc
  • Treble Crochet: tc

Ham Sandwich

Bread (make 4) – use I hook – there really isn’t a right or wrong side.

Row 1– ch 15, hdc in second stitch from hook and across for 14 hdc, chain 1 and turn (chain 1 does not count as a stitch in this pattern)

Rows 2-12, repeat row 1

Make 2 pieces per slice of bread – each slice of bread is two pieces – put pieces together and join together with a sc around.  I used a darker color and put 3 sc in each corner.


Tomato – use your J hook – this one is worked in rounds.

Round 1: Chain 2 and put 6 sc in second stitch from chain.

*I work in continuous spirals in the round and do not join and chain 1, but you can choose how you prefer

Round 2: do 2 sc in each stitch around (12 sc)

Round 3: do (2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch) repeat for 18 sc and then slip stitch into the next stitch.

Round 4: Ch 3, 2dc in same stitch, (ch 2, skip 2, 3 dc in next stitch), repeat around (30 dc)

Round 5: 1 sc in each stitch and 3sc in each chain space. (36 sc)

*change color if you want a little variation on the last round

Round 6: (1 sc in next 5 stitches and 2 sc in next stitch)  (42 sc)


Lettuce – J hook – the lettuce will be in dc

Round 1: ch 3 and dc 10 in 3rd chain from hook. Join with a slip stitch at the end and chain 2. I don’t count my chain 2 as a stitch, but if you prefer you can chain 3 and count that as your first stitch.

Round 2: make 2 dc in each stitch (20 dc) – join as above

Round 3: (2 dc in first stitch and 1 dc in the next stitch), repeat around, (30dc)

Round 4: (1 dc in next 2 stitches, 2 dc in next) repeat around for (40 dc)

Round 5: this is the last round and to make the border wavy we are going to do:   [(2hdc in next 3) x 3, (2dc in next 3) x 3, (2tc in next 3) x 3] repeat around and finish with 3dc in last 3 stitches.


Pickle – J hook -sc all rounds

Round 1: Chain 2 and put 5 sc in second stitch from chain.

*I work in continuous spirals in the round and do not join and chain 1, but you can choose how you prefer

Round 2: do 2 sc in each stitch around (10 sc)

Round 3: do (2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next stitch) repeat for 15sc and then slip stitch into the next stitch.


Cheese – J hook – this piece is worked in rows

Row 1: ch 11, in 2nd chain from hook hdc, hdc in next 9 stitches (10), chain1 and turn

Row 2-10 : repeat Row 1 do 9 rows

SC around outside putting 3 stitches in each corner.

*you might also see a random piece of lighter color cheese in the photo.  This was a free from piece and I didn’t write it down, but I think if you start working in the round and then do some random chains and skipping a stitch here and there you will get a piece.  It’s just a yellow blob 😉


Ham/Turkey – J hook  – this piece is worked in rows

Row 1: chain 13, in 2nd chain from hook hdc and hdc  in each stitch across (12) –

chain1 and turn

Row 2-11 : repeat Row 1

– for the border alternate between sc and dc


Onion – ch 25 and then sc in each stitch across.

Slip stitch to first stitch to form a ring and then chain 35 without fastening off

Join through other circle and sc in each stitch (35) FO

 Here is the PDF for a complete sandwich making experience right HERE.  


Okay!! That is it!  My first free pattern share on my new blog!  If you choose to make and share, I would love to see your ham sandwich! Share with me on any of my social media or here in the comments and please let me know if you have any questions.  You can find me over on Instagram @theburgundybasket


I have a new way for you to support my FREE PATTERNS!! I know many or most of you love supporting us makers – the truth is that is takes a long time to create a pattern and then write it and then edit it and get it proofed and tested – and then publish it – then you have to link it everywhere – it’s a lot of work, but us makers do what we do to share our love with you. And, if you have followed my blog, you may know that I do not run ads on my blog, so all my support comes from PDF purchases. Some of you don’t need to purchase the PDF of my patterns but still want to say a quick Thank you – so, you can now support my blog and my work.

Thank you, Peace and Love, Kristi

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5 thoughts on “Crochet Play Food: Sandwich and Hamburger

  1. Congratulations Kristi, on your first pattern share.
    Thank you so much, the toddlers at school will really love these. Wishing you every success for the future. 💖

  2. Thank you for the free patterns, I made a ham, cheese & lettuce sandwich for my grandchildren. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. Thank you for the free patterns, I made a ham, cheese & lettuce sandwich for my grandchildren. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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